Friday, 23 May 2014

Goal Adjustments...

Although I am making progress, it doesn't look like I will be reaching all of my goals for this project. Putting together a music video will not be happening, but I will still work towards recording piano accompaniments for the pieces I am learning on cello. I've asked Kristiana to scan and send me songs that come with piano music, so I will get started with those soon.  

I've had two more Skype lessons with Kristiana since my last blog update. She has been excellent at correcting my mistakes and teaching me new skills to improve my technique and sound quality. 

- Phrases begin with a down bow (pulling the bow to the right). You continue with an up bow (pushing the bow to the left) and repeat down and up throughout the song. Unless playing staccato, which I haven't done yet, keep the bow always moving smoothly. 
- All the fingers above the position being played should be resting on the string. This is a hard one to follow because my fingers tend to tense and curl up when I'm focusing on the music.

- The left thumb needs to be very loose on the neck of the cello. Originally I was touching the neck with the pad and inner part of my thumb, but Kristiana says the side of the thumb tip should be the only thing touching. This will help me loosen my grip!

- The bow doesn't need much pressure to make a sound on the string. Pushing down too hard makes the growly noise that I've been trying to get rid of.

As soon as Kristiana sends them through, I'll post some of the music I will be working on this week.

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering what is the difference between bowing up and bowing down
