Saturday, 22 March 2014

The Complexity of Sound

Right now in my Bible class, I am reading a book called The Day Metallica Came to Church. It is mainly the thoughts and experiences of John Van Sloten as he proves that God is in everything and can be seen everywhere in creation. On page 65 he talks about the complexity of sound and hearing that I have found God working in time and time again.
"The gifts of voice and melody were preaching before the first lyric was uttered, as were the elements of sound and hearing. When you think about it, the fact that this aural feast could even be perceived at all is itself a miracle. God came up with the idea of sound, made our ears, and gave us the capacity to hear. The nature of our hearing must have something unique to say, then, about who God is and what God is like.
And it does if you're listening. Unlike sight, taste, or touch, hearing is multidirectional... When I consider that God intentionally designed our hearing this way, I think, 'Of course!' If God really is everywhere, speaking to us from all angles all the time, then hearing in a multidirectional way makes perfect sense."
 I believe the reason that music gives me so much joy is because God moves through it. It is one of his good and perfect gifts that can be used today to praise him. Even when my cello practicing sounds more like a moaning cat than anything musical, God is still present in that moment!

* My best friend and classmate is also using her passion project to find God in music as she learns to play guitar. Check out her blog called This Old Guitar


  1. Naomi,
    It's super cool that the book you are reading has connections to your passion project. I have always noticed how much music has been a big part of you and its awesome that you are able to connect to God through it. Even if you are just making moaning noises (I personally can definitely relate to that as I am learning the guitar.)
    Thanks for the shout out as well! :)
    Keep up the hard work and keep using your amazing musical talents to praise God!
